Thunderhead: The Collaboration!

Thumbnail of the map 'Thunderhead: The Collaboration!'

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Author Cadmus
Tags author:cadmus rated test
Created 2006-04-28
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description Here are nine different effects caused by edited launch pads.

How to use: Maximise the screen. Kill the ninja(enter). Place cursor exactly in the middle of the left jump pad. Respawn(enter).

The effects(from the bottom up):

Some may not work the first time.

*marks that it was not discovered by me.

1. The original. Creates a large cloud.*
2. Four. At first there is two, then there is four.
3. The biggie. The biggest cloud setting I could find. For assurance put cursor toward the back of the pad.
4. Electricity. Spouts blood everywhere, also the cloud is compressed into a little ball.*
5. Alternation. The clouds alternate colors.
6. Three. Three clouds.*
7. Dance. Not amazing, but kind of funny to look at.
8. Four again. A different four clouds.*
9. Spin. For best effect, but the cursor towrd the bottom of the pad. For a second, there is a spinning effect. Then there is a minor after effect. The clouds seem to very slightly rock back and forth.



Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Scent Destroyer' Thumbnail of the map 'Launch' Thumbnail of the map 'The Cute lil' Fishies' Thumbnail of the map 'Doin' E level 11' Thumbnail of the map '00-1: Let's play with lasers' Thumbnail of the map '00-2: Now we're gettin' somewhere'
Scent Destroyer Launch The Cute lil' Fishies Doin' E level 11 00-1: Let's play with lasers 00-2: Now we're gettin' somewhere


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I can't find out how to fav things, and I already have two other things faved...


awesome... 5/5 and, today I think I'll start faving... first map on my fav list :)


6 is four clouds but 2 are on each other. you can see it by using frame by frame


6 is four clouds but 2 are on each other. you can see it by using frame by frame




Number 7 gives amazing detail

The fuss is

You've only seen a few of these before, and never this many in one map.


i agree with atob. I seriously dont get whats the fuss is all about.


awesome effects

I don't get.

What's so fascinating about this...

We've seen these before, and at lease five of these repeat themselves.




Top rated. I didnt expect that.


This is amazing man! How did you ever come up with this?

Deserves nothing less than a 5...and faved!


I like it. 4.5 and faved.