Abandoned Mine

Thumbnail of the map 'Abandoned Mine'

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Author Cheesy2
Tags action author:cheesy2 playable rated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-19
Last Modified 2004-11-19
by 7 people.
Map Data

Description The machines have taken control of an abandoned mine! Deplete their resources by TAKING ALL THE GOLD, then press the switch to open the door and escape through the exit shaft. Anyone who can do this without being killed, you have me amazed.

PS: Yes, this is Cheesy. Something stupid happened and my password got changed.


Pages: (0)


Demo Data


Maximos demo works to! stoped!


This was my second try.
Demo Data


Pretty funny level! O wait, you were serious about it.

it does suck.

try harder. please.
Uh...Maximo. I meant a demo where you actually BEAT the level.
You were killed the moment you entered the mine itself. You have to get every piece of gold and get out in one piece. Without a single death. You filled neither requirement. Now guess what this means? YOU ARE AN IDIOT, HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA!

there, a demo

easy... nothing is hard about this... and even if they are tunnels, mines and thwumps make a good challenge for empty areas. There is no reason to make the player go through all of that... I know, you have that timing thing so the drones meat up where you are when you enter their room, but still, why do I have to run through tunnels were its a challenge to die, just to get to the level...
Demo Data


Maximo, you say ALL my levels are "too easy". If it's too easy, post a demo. Also, the empty hallways aren't hallways. They're tunnels in the mine, idiot. Now stop acting like all my maps suck and go back to the hole you crawled out of.


way too easy, and what is with the big empty hallways