Loop the Loop I : Punctuation

Thumbnail of the map 'Loop the Loop I : Punctuation'

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Author Plexus_N
Tags author:plexus_n dda rated
Created 2006-04-13
Last Modified 2006-04-13
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description My first DDA, and the first in the Loop the Loop series. Enjoy, even if it sucks. Be careful not to be tricked!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Frustration' Thumbnail of the map 'Fat Man' Thumbnail of the map 'Reconciliation'
Frustration Fat Man Reconciliation


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All fixed. I think.


Wtf? Hold on...debugging issue...
This is good for your first but it could get extreemly better


you've stacked the bounce pads...not good
you've only used bouncepads to move around...still not good
try using other types of propulsions like trap doors, thwumps, tiles, gold delay, doors, etc.

Oh yeah...

If it isn't much trouble, could you check out my just-now-submitted map? DragonLand's the name... It's a ded to LouDogg004, if you know him, and I just think it's pretty fun... give it a try and tell me what u think.

For a first...

Not terrible. but definitely not good as a level in general. It is good that you actually have some enemies and creative situations. You would NOT believe the number of n00b maps submitted with jumppads and no enemies and just a stupid...continuing...pointless spiral... You did a good job for a first... jumppads should be replaced by other methods of propulsion like the tiles, thwumps, and trap doors