
Thumbnail of the map 'Tunnels'

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Author gabby_drummer
Tags action author:gabby_drummer playable unrated v1.3c
Created 2004-11-11
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description just play it

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Inhabitate Checkers jack o lantern Insanity School Insanity school 2 battery


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re: wtf

For one, if i didn't think it was possible i wouldn't have posted the map. For two if you posted that as "Gabber Dummy" as YOUR name, your the only one your calling a dummy here. (and yes, your just about smart enough to learn how to switch letters around in words to make them into other words, good for you)

its possible

but rather difficult. you need a thwump to "sqeeuze-push" you through the first one, then you bounce back and forth between the blocks till you get thru (if you have enough speed u will go thru). it would be better if there was a bounce pad at the start tho...