Only Slight Illusionary tactic.

Thumbnail of the map 'Only Slight Illusionary tactic.'

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Author bluegoliath
Tags author:bluegoliath incomplete rated
Created 2006-04-05
Last Modified 2006-04-05
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description I got bored and made a tileset with a small optical illusion. Enjoy (or not).

Note: any ressemblance to a nazi symbol is unintentional.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'too screwed for words' Thumbnail of the map 'Double ruble' Thumbnail of the map 'IOU 1' Thumbnail of the map 'IOU 2' Thumbnail of the map 'IOU 3' Thumbnail of the map 'The Twelvth Hour'
too screwed for words Double ruble IOU 1 IOU 2 IOU 3 The Twelvth Hour


Pages: (0)

but im not jewish...
cool illusion
prepare for the fighting and sniping to begin blue goliath!!!

On swastikas

In ancient history, the swastika was a religious symbol, and it didn't mean anything bad. In fact, it meant a good things, so I won't rate you down. 4
but yeah, it really does look like a swastika. thanks for putting in the note. I'm kinda surprised you didn't notice it, but whatever, we all learn. Nice tileset (4), but bad historical context(3). 3.5


but it looks like the nazi sign, just be careful
people are gonna rate you down for that. just warning you.