Into The Thicket

Thumbnail of the map 'Into The Thicket'

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Author Gemini_Dreams
Tags author:gemini_dreams dda rated
Created 2006-03-30
by 19 people.
Map Data

Description No gold delay
No jump pads
No code editting

This is my newest and most time consuming DDA. I love it to death, except for the few parts where it goes a little slowly. Please keep in mind the things I didnt do, which will affect how it would look when compared to other 'faster' code editted ones. I think I used every propulsion there is, thumps, land riding, and bouncey blocks, except for jump pads. Anyways. I hope you like it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Corners' Thumbnail of the map '--Simple Challenge--' Thumbnail of the map 'Boxed v.2' Thumbnail of the map 'Slime' Thumbnail of the map 'The Tiny Islands' Thumbnail of the map 'Buckets'
Corners --Simple Challenge-- Boxed v.2 Slime The Tiny Islands Buckets


Pages: (0)


i may say.......HOLY SHIT!!!!


you didn't use normal door propulsion

for normal door propulsion, put 6 pieces of gold on a normal door. Beats me why you have to put exactly 6?


Data got corrupted.


I died at the beginning. :(

I died

i even tried 1 but it did not work......
Demo Data

4.5/5 because

to many trap doors to many waits. you could have used bounce pads




!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/5


!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5/5


WOW. 5/5

I dont like it ...

It have a too many waithing and a few action moments.. I hate to waiting for thwumsp 3-4-5 sec and nothing hapend in this time ... 3.5/5 for "no gold delay and no editing".


Hehe, sorry for the misunderstanding. I guess it just hadn't came up yet on my computer. Thanks for the rating. The only reason I said what I did was because my computer said there was only 7 votes, so yeah my computers slow, lol. And by alert, I kinda just meant like, I dont know, to let you know. Im sorry again.


8, dunno where that 2 came from

Ummm, playa?

Im not seeing my rating go up.. Unless my computer is really slow, just to alert you.


is great

but seriously... i always wonders how much time of these peoples lives are wasted on these great maps that are totally insignifigant to the whole of the universe? I mean, say it took 3 hours to get it right, all together. So, thats 180 minutes of the worlds time that could be spent saving a cat in a tree or giving CPR or saving someone from drowning. But no, the authors are inside getting all pasty and white (or just still being black, or whatever race you are, sorry to offense was meant.).

Nice job tho.... 5/5

Im glad...

I was kind of semi-expecting kind of bad reviews because of the slow waits, but not really. Oh well, I am really happy now and enjoy reading the next comments/ratings. : )
...this map is 9th place for DDA's!

Great job, but... put the remote panal on the door!!! Always put the remote panal on the ninja's path, not on the door!


You didn't use normal door propulsion (used in Lucidium's "Gauge Invariance.")
In any case, this was pretty nice. 4/5

hell yeah



that was pretty good. it was however, very laggy, which makes it hard to follow, and not smooth at all. other than that it was pretty sweet.



Very nice! Some of those close-calls were insane, mainly due to the fact no jump pads were used. Very nice and creative space usage. This is definately going in my Favorites.


on a fantastic scale of 0-5 I'd give it a 4.5, but only because of the occasional slow part, still and excellent job.