Thumbnail of the map '1101001'

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Author chalks
Tags author:chalks dda rated
Created 2006-03-25
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description This is my first map ever. I really enjoyed making it, and I hope you enjoy playing it. Though you don't really have to do that much.

A simple DDA that has a few close calls. A nickel to the first person who figures out why I called it "1101001". ;)


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3 years later

and I have no idea why I named it "1101001".


no nickels

yeah, I wanted to put different propulsion types in, but I wasn't to sure how to do any of the other things I've seen. Which is why I've started browsing the forums. :D

And no, the binary isn't supposed to be 8 bits, and no "i" doesn't count for anything.


good for a first, gets boring though, and use different propulsion types

btw ure binary is off cus its suppoed to be 8 bits not 7 =P

4/5 for a first


Way too many lauch pads they get borring after awile
see my dda to see what else you can move N with


This was great for a first map, though it could have used less launch pads and less cycles. 1101001 is the ASCII value for "i", if that counts for anything.