More colors/patterns for silent demon again

Thumbnail of the map 'More colors/patterns for silent demon again'

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Author turtles
Tags author:turtles n-art rated
Created 2006-03-25
Last Modified 2006-07-24
by 21 people.
Map Data

Description More, but Im going to delete the latest (other than this). These are ideas for all N-artists.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Super drones revenge revised' Thumbnail of the map 'The monster in all of its glory (keep)' Thumbnail of the map 'Drone Dance' Thumbnail of the map 'Laboratory distress' Thumbnail of the map 'Laboratory Helplessness' Thumbnail of the map 'More colors for silent demon'
Super drones revenge revised The monster in all of its glory (keep) Drone Dance Laboratory distress Laboratory Helplessness More colors for silent demon


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i didnt up to 4.5

snipe proof

here i come 5




they are its been said...just patterns...

yes they are nice...but i personally dislike patterns cuz i feel that they take no skill, especially when the program snaps items into place...

its nice...i just dont care much for patterns

its all good

wish that this was a tad higher, but I shouldn't be greedy. It had its 15 minutes of fame.


Sorry that I sounded crude, but Capt summed it up pretty well.

that three

brought it way down


capt zeroth

I didnt take that personally. That was exactly what I thought of this map (except I thought it was about 4-4.5 worthy). 9400 just said that they werent cool, which hurt.

I think that

I am with 9_4_0_0_ on this one. I have nothing against you, 99turtle99, and don't take this personaly, but its just that this isn't really what I call a "Top Rated" map. Yes, you did display some nice patterns and colors, but thats all that it is: Just some patterns. It doesn't look like this was hard to make. Some of them are just some thwumps aroung a mine, or just some mines, gaurds, and gold thrown together into a square. I'm sorry, but this gets a 3 out of 5.

top rated again?

thanks anyway!


jUST TO MAKE YOU HAPPY :).Anyways.I like it!
but now, it's someone else's turn...I guess my time in NUMA will be dwindling now that Ive reached this far, whethere 9_4_0_0_ believes it is good or not. (I have nothing against you).

oh yeah

it may help you to understand if you see how many maps Ive rated...many of those being n-arts.


Ive never seen a map with some of these patterns. Except for this...

they are*

not there


But there just colors and patterns and doesn't demostrate anything new.
That wasnt nice at all. I like them, and so do 6 (or more) other people. If you are going to be rude, please be rude somewhere else, and dont take that personally, because what you said really hurt.

C'mon people...

Does this seriously have a 5/5 rating? They're not even cool.

using caps lock for a purpose is cool. Where, o where are the snipers...


i really like all of these awesome should put all of your colours in one map!that would look really nice...and then people could just look at the one map for your great color sets....serious, it would look nice!! 4.5/5


i really like all of these awesome should put all of your colours in one map!that would look really nice...and then people could just look at the one map for your great color sets....serious, it would look nice!! 4.5/5