Tree of Creation

Thumbnail of the map 'Tree of Creation'

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Author McP3000
Tags action author:mcp3000 playable unrated
Created 2006-03-16
Last Modified 2006-07-22
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 02-4, finally done with my third episode, yay!
Would like it if some of yall would go on and rate my episodes.
Anyway, inspired by Tree of Many Curls and The growth of a virus
All gold is the main thing here.
I really hope you guys out there can get completion, but im interested in how smooth and fast an all gold demo would be.
Rate, comment, and so on

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'A New Beginning' Thumbnail of the map 'Jagged Rocks of Inner Passage' Thumbnail of the map 'Cubism' Thumbnail of the map 'Kary Me' Thumbnail of the map 'The Curvaceous Flower Garden' Thumbnail of the map 'Stalactites of Johnny Two-Tone'
A New Beginning Jagged Rocks of Inner Passage Cubism Kary Me The Curvaceous Flower Garden Stalactites of Johnny Two-Tone


Pages: (0)

to be an all golder.
But whatever.
Entitle to opinion...(i guess :p)

I like it

but it is a little bland outside of the tree. 3.5


all gold would be easy, i asume thats why you want smoothness for the all gold, its not hard, but its lengthy, which is why i wont do it for you, sry...
Demo Data


it does look similar to my map....
the growth, thanks bobshike


I love it. And faved.
NOTE: This map was also in my faved and it looks similar to yours: The Tree of Many Curls is also in my faves.

Brilliance again!
