Beast and the harlot fixed

Thumbnail of the map 'Beast and the harlot fixed'

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Author mysterypower
Tags author:mysterypower playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-03-12
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description 'Was no exit.So fixed.Enjoy

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Jumpoff to one path Revisited' Thumbnail of the map 'BOBODAHOBO's eye' Thumbnail of the map 'Being squeezed' Thumbnail of the map '(Dis)missed simplicity' Thumbnail of the map 'Simple hardrockets' Thumbnail of the map 'No izi for you'
Jumpoff to one path Revisited BOBODAHOBO's eye Being squeezed (Dis)missed simplicity Simple hardrockets No izi for you


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I could tell that you put a whole lot of effort into playtesting this one last time, seeing as you never got so far as to finish your map and realize that you couldn't.

Anyway, I'm still not sure that the mine room is possible.

mysterypower, what makes this a puzzle? There are no hard jumps, and the main problem is the rockets.