The Hive

Thumbnail of the map 'The Hive'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author CaptZeroth
Tags author:captzeroth incomplete rated tileset
Created 2006-03-04
Last Modified 2008-01-25
by 24 people.
Map Data

Description March 4, 2006. 9:30am.
Dear Log,
This is week three in map makers block. The sun does not seem to shine anymore. Why am I cursed to this phase?! Phase. It seems more like a permanent confinement. My shackles? This key board. This computer. This world! I fear insanity is closing in on me. Darkness surounds me. And all I can do is think off my ruler: N! I fear I shall never escape. But in any case, if this is my last night to live, I'd like to let you know that you may use this tileset. Use it so that you may escape. Escape...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Turtle' Thumbnail of the map 'Ying Yang' Thumbnail of the map 'Call Me Ishmael' Thumbnail of the map 'Hesatation (Incomplete)' Thumbnail of the map 'Map Makers Block' Thumbnail of the map 'In Map Makers Block'
Turtle Ying Yang Call Me Ishmael Hesatation (Incomplete) Map Makers Block In Map Makers Block


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I'm not trying to tell you what to think, but aren't you contradicting you own theory?

"Sure this map looks great and all, but it's only a tileset, and there are a lot more maps that are better than this. I mean, it's currently #3 on the top 10, and frankly things like "My Hero" should be higher in the rank that this"

Sure "My Hero" looks great, but its only art, right? Just to look at. The only way it might help this community is by insparation. I am not making something to look at, Im making something for someone to make a great level out of. This is not to look at, this is for you to make something. Dont compare apples and oranges.

Okay now

Sure this map looks great and all, but it's only a tileset, and there are a lot more maps that are better than this

I mean, it's currently #3 on the top 10, and frankly things like "My Hero" should be higher in the rank that this
because it sounds very much like the final cutscene from "phantom dust"


VERY cool tileset