Tricks and Traps

Thumbnail of the map 'Tricks and Traps'

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Author Frostinator
Tags author:frostinator test unrated
Created 2006-02-28
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Not finished yet, just want to get your views on things really. Trying to make it fast paced, and hoping to put some enemies in sooner or later.

Any feedback would be great!


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if it was a race
and do lessen on the one way doors


Thanks for the ideas, and thanks even more for the demo. that has shown lots of ways of cheating :). I'll see what i can do, i know it's not a very good level but i'm only learning.

lol, appreciate the 1/5 rating someone gave me.

Cheers again


that map didnt turn out as i hoped


its very easy to cheat (see demo). i would suggest making it into a race againts time or similar, thwumps would be your best option for enimies as the size of the rooms are too small for anything pratical. eg. use thwumps to stop people cheating and so they keep of the pace. the mine placement is good. and dont put a trap door like this:
door= -
one way= _,] _____-

as you have to jump to get over it and you lose the flow
i hope that was the feedback you were hoping for
p.s. if there are any spelling errors just ignor them
Demo Data