Honing my skills

Thumbnail of the map 'Honing my skills'

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Author mysterypower
Tags author:mysterypower dda unrated
Created 2006-02-24
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description I know its incomplete.Don't rate.Just say if my skills as a DDA Maker is.
If its good.I will make more on this map.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Being a wannabe' Thumbnail of the map 'Wannabe idiot' Thumbnail of the map 'Who made it' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocket + Laser =  Death' Thumbnail of the map 'Fire grounds' Thumbnail of the map 'That seventh sense'
Being a wannabe Wannabe idiot Who made it Rocket + Laser = Death Fire grounds That seventh sense


Pages: (0)

thnks guys

i will get more on this map


definitley have potential as a DDAer. Please come and rate mine. you might get ideas. thanks


More close calls are cool for DDA's. Try aiming for more.


i used a couple of bugs n all that like the door and gold thing.
Thats cool

its good

but i think you should have more close calls