
Thumbnail of the map 'war'

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Author cooldudealex
Tags author:cooldudealex playable puzzle unrated
Created 2006-02-22
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description turrets

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'my first dda' Thumbnail of the map 'Knight In Shining Armor' Thumbnail of the map 'the mining acadamy 3:the escape' Thumbnail of the map 'close ones' Thumbnail of the map 'the long run' Thumbnail of the map 'Thunderstruck'
my first dda Knight In Shining Armor the mining acadamy 3:the escape close ones the long run Thunderstruck


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Demo Data


I figured it out I think... This replay should work ;D
Demo Data



if you get the door switch, you can slide down the side without getting the locked door switch and win...

but good level, kinda easy, but those gauss did get annoying


Good job, little glitchy at the end with the door, but it was fun overall! I'm new and therefore don't know how to correctly make a "demo data" replay. I have the replay data automatically saved after beating the level in "user levels" menu :D