Gnortly, Huud

Thumbnail of the map 'Gnortly, Huud'

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Author HeartView
Tags action author:heartview playable rated
Created 2006-02-16
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description It plays like a puzzle map, only fast paced. You will find it much easier if you ignore the gold.

Other maps by this author

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Da Debul Chuppy Collectus Under a Killing Spoon Venture Torn Schmuggy


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Did you play it?

This is a difficult map. If you don't regularly find yourself on the high scores then you will likely find this map too hard. I can make it up to the third level regularly, not every time but most of the time. It is a challenge.

As for the "puzzle" aspects... There are "easy" ways to get past the rockets on the bottom, as well as the second level once you figure out the "puzzle". You need skill AND patience to play this.

I have heard of him

Back in the day (year or so ago), HeartView made a ton of maps. All of a sudden it seems like all of these new people are finding Numa.


I'd say it's one of your worse levels

I have

a few things to say. First of all, if you've made 578 maps, how come I have never heard of you before?

Also, I would think that you knew better than to spam your enemies by now.

And, I don't think there's anything here that plays like a puzzle.