Frustrating thwumps and mines and etc...

Thumbnail of the map 'Frustrating thwumps and mines and etc...'

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Author mysterypower
Tags author:mysterypower playable puzzle rated
Created 2006-02-14
Last Modified 2006-02-15
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description A tough map.
You wont get further with the thwumps getting at you.
Here is the link to the contest.
Looks like ive brocken the rules.Fixed it.

Other maps by this author

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Mini Mini Mini Door eyrie(MP) Misfunxions Prison Break(Warning:Brutally Hard) 9X9 Template challenge


Pages: (0)

tough... but fun.

Speed run.
Demo Data

No its not :D

Its fun for the hard factor.


You hid thwumps and mines. That's just mean.