Moose Death of Flies

Thumbnail of the map 'Moose Death of Flies'

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Author gijutsuki
Tags action author:gijutsuki playable unrated
Created 2006-02-14
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description THE MOOSE!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Sequential Destruction' Thumbnail of the map 'Valley of Truthful Death of Strange Radioactive Fireflies That Eat Your Horse and Vomit Cupcakes ' Thumbnail of the map 'No One Ever Makes Their First Jump' Thumbnail of the map 'Frankfurter of Doom' Thumbnail of the map 'What?!' Thumbnail of the map 'Tight Spaces'
Sequential Destruction Valley of Truthful Death of Strange Radioactive Fireflies That Eat Your Horse and Vomit Cupcakes No One Ever Makes Their First Jump Frankfurter of Doom What?! Tight Spaces


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what who are you I don't know your map but sorry that I didn't look around and I just wanted to show my friend how to add objects in NED and needed a quick tile set but sorry.


I'm happy that my map (the right side of it, at least) inspired you. Though part of me wants to say that you should at least mention that you just loaded the main menu a couple times to get this. Also, that's not really a great way to make a map. Come up with original tiles next time.