
Thumbnail of the map 'Starlight'

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Author SquidgY
Tags author:squidgy dda rated
Created 2006-01-25
by 30 people.
Map Data

Description It's hard to make a pentagon or star using only angles measured in multiples of pi over 8. But that's besides the point.

I made this DDA after watching a few others which labelled some actions as "close calls" when in fact they were not. I had to resort to coin-stalls in some places because of the amount of lasers... but I love coin stalls, so you'll just have to live with it.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Scintillating Starlight' Thumbnail of the map 'Is it good to go?' Thumbnail of the map 'Candy!' Thumbnail of the map 'Quicksand' Thumbnail of the map 'Be Entertained!' Thumbnail of the map 'Test Your Skill'
Scintillating Starlight Is it good to go? Candy! Quicksand Be Entertained! Test Your Skill


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are cliched. anyway, AMAZING! I NEARLY CRAPPED MY PANTS (not really, but you get the idea)!!! 5/5


Too many enemies, personally. It was a DDA and yet I would have had to do something to win.


THAT WOULD BE MORE INTERESTING IF THERE WERE ROCKETS (not laserdrones) or rockets and laserdrones. Rockets rule in DDAs

Good Job!

Those must have been the closest calls I've ever seen! I thought the gold delay was awesome


Too many laser drones??
You can NEVER have enough LASER drones!!

('sides it's kinda the theme of the map... you know? Starlight... as opposed to Star-chaingun, Star-rocket, Starmines...)


too many lazer drones, gold delay...
but nice close calls
The door is not offset from the grid at all. Actually fit perfectly when I bumped him with those thwumps and trap door. (Lucky me! hehe)


seriously, amazing. Soooooo amazing.
This raelly defines close calls


that was absolutly the coolest thing! 5/5 i dont understand how u managed to be THAT close to the laser that just.. PHEW


That was breathtaking! Even in fbf mode. WOW! 5/5. Closest calls ever with lasers. Also I love how you managed to win by 1 frame, perfectly. Hehe nice


That was the most chaotic thing I have ever seen......5/5