This BLows...

Thumbnail of the map 'This BLows...'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Xerxes901
Tags action author:xerxes901 playable rated
Created 2006-01-07
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description this pretty easy

...sit down with sum lotion and tissues and have a...blast...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Tooth Pass' Thumbnail of the map 'Tooth Pass(remake)' Thumbnail of the map 'Tooth pass(remake2)' Thumbnail of the map 'Trip to Hell' Thumbnail of the map 'Rocky Slope' Thumbnail of the map 'TRAP DOORS'
Tooth Pass Tooth Pass(remake) Tooth pass(remake2) Trip to Hell Rocky Slope TRAP DOORS


Pages: (0)

I agree

with Squidgy.
Lame tileset, but there's nothing wrong with easy maps-
they're good for your blood pressure.


I love it.

Because I needed an easy map. +10000 for being there when I needed you! And -9997 for a lame tileset.

And -0.5 for starting N below a thwump. I've seen worse, but it still annoys me to see mapmakers force their players to do a jump or movement right as the level starts.

resubmit it

and try to get arachnid on this one...doesnt know good from bad.

(shouldve rated the map a zero)

By the way, yours still aint that good...

Umm... yeah.

By the looks of it this map sucks. 0.5/5