Shattered Eclipse

Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered Eclipse'

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Author fingersonthefrets
Tags 500 action author:fingersonthefrets rated
Created 2019-03-15
Last Modified 2019-03-15
by 8 people.
Map Data

Description 500th map :O


Man, I had such a nostalgia wave a few weeks back, just realising how much of an impact this game and community past and present had on me.

I became interested in design largely through the game, initially downloaded photoshop because of the forums, was exposed to lots of new music, broadly expanding my tastes and deepening my interest.

I became friends with a bunch of people, remember weisslenny0, skyline, seven_two, origami_alligator especially (though definitely forgetting a few of you, my bad)
Lots of great chats and dumb arguments haha.

Every now and then I imagine setting up an exhibition displaying the game and the authors, showing the way styles and ideas were developed. Looking over an author like Yahoozy's catalogue and recognising the varied stylistic periods, which can feel disparate yet all easily recognisable as a Yahoozy map. The way Prisoner, DDA, Race, Puzzle, Minejumper maps developed, and examples of some of the most significant maps of each genre.
(those goofy trapdoor maze ones hahah - I remember someone actually managed to actually use in a fun/exciting way at some stage)

It probably wouldn't ever come together in a way that was engaging to those unfamiliar, let alone translate how special this all was at its prime, but the idea still lingers.
I don't think it's viable, but the thought speaks to how much I've drawn from my time with this game and the community broadly.

I really think this was something special, and feel lucky to have been a part of it in it's prime (or a portion of it, joined mid/late '06 and seemed those '04-06 years were pretty great too)


Bit of a rose-coloured glasses, heart-on-sleeve description, but I'm ok with that... as long as I don't cringe looking back on it as much as I do my old comments and descriptions... eesh haha


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Plumage' Thumbnail of the map 'Iddibidditon' Thumbnail of the map 'friends/fiends' Thumbnail of the map 'Missum' Thumbnail of the map 'Gins & Arakawa' Thumbnail of the map 'Fantasma Vaga'
Plumage Iddibidditon friends/fiends Missum Gins & Arakawa Fantasma Vaga


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It's been a really long time, hasn't it? I was checking numa, as I sometimes do once in a blue moon, and saw that activity had apparently been picking up. And also your map on the frontpage. What a pleasant surprise to see that you've picked up mapping again and finally reached your 500th map. I'm also really honoured by your mention in the description.

Incidentally I'm working on a map for the first time in 4 years, which also means re-learning so many things; but I'm quite surprised that many of the shortcuts are still second-nature to me.

Your description here really captured the spirit of the times back then, as well as the nostalgia that has driven me to check back once in a while.

I really hope to be able to pop by more often and catch up with some old acquaintances. Great to see you on here!

Yay 500! Thanks for encouraging me and playing my maps over the years


You rock, dude. Always love playing your maps and seeing your comments. Nice job making it to 500!

As for the map:
I love the tiles, gold, and static enemies, as well as the overall path/layout. Least favorite is the drone; I don't like stopping and waiting for it. I usually like mixing that kind of situation with a low-pressure ranged enemy so you can't sit still. Nevertheless the one-ways make that section interesting enough to work.

Most of the gold feels really nice and satisfying. The only clump I haven't found a clean way to collect is the furthest left. But I'd say the highlight is the jump to the exit switch. It's smooth, but requires timing and momentum. Kind of what the game is all about, isn't it? :)

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well, as long as i am already tipsily talking about your proposed exhibition elsewhere, i suppose i should pop in with some well-deserved congratulations.

and leave it at that, because i started this comment an hour ago. it's always a joy to see you pop in; i'm so glad you've stuck around.


the ending is sloppy because i was just happy to get to the exit switch.
Lovely map
Demo Data

great map

i feel much the same, and also love the idea of an exhibition.
congrats on 500

grats on 500!

sick map

Congrats on the

500!!! I have always loved your maps and will continue doing so <3

i think of the idea too, showing off different stages of maps as if they were eras of art. it's a good idea, but i'm no writer.

good stuff :)


This flows very well
Demo Data


Loved this map, have always loved your maps, CONGRATS ON 500!! That's yuge. If they're all playable you could have your own full episodes 00 to 99 now. I live up in QLD let me know if you want a meet up and you're up here for anything. I'm down in Vic every now and then too. Again, congrats! 5aved.
Demo Data


I've been feeling so similarly nostalgic for this place. It's why I've featured so many maps lately. I started browsing old forum topics and my PMs on there and found old maps I have never submitted to NUMA before. Reliving old conversations. Remembering the people that I met in this community that I've met in person. It's wild to think how much my later teenage years were shaped by how active I was here.
I have nothing but fond memories of getting to know you then. Still bummed we weren't able to coordinate meeting up in Melbourne 5 years ago. If I'm in Australia again ever I'll let you know months in advance!

Phenomenal map

Very deserving of the 500 mark
Demo Data

Congrats man!!!!

500 is such a big number and I agree with everything you said (as much as someone who only joined in 16' can haha)
I totally think you should go for it if you want, I'd love to see it. So much goes into making maps and I wish I could share it with the world but I know things will never be that easy, but the least we can do is leave evidence of the art and love of mapping and how it's impactful to both the mappers and the players. Even if people don't get it, we will and it'll preserve your thoughtful observations so that others can read it and be inspired. Congrats on the 500 maps hopefully you stick around!

Beatable AGD

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