The Little Pirate Ship That Could

Thumbnail of the map 'The Little Pirate Ship That Could'

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Author jasdanu
Tags action author:jasdanu playable simple-challenge-esque unrated
Created 2019-02-01
Last Modified 2019-02-01
Rating 5 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Yes I had quit mapping. But I found something I don't think I have ever made a precise map for that showcases the trick (if one would consider it that) I had found.

Lo and behold I've made another map.

I didn't want to just throw the trick into an empty-ish map so I made a little pirate boat being chased by the skeleton of a huge demon ship that has cannons.

Our baby pirate stole some gold.

I'll post a run of what the actual trick is. Pretty simple but I don't particularly remember ever seeing it.

Other maps by this author

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Reverse Propulsion Reapers All Out Empty Vines Bear Claw Back and Forth (Read Description)


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the concept could be used in race maps well i think

It's a BBCJ that involves it being blocked by the tile.
But the force of jump involves the fact that you're essentially also jumping off of the tile (being aided by the BB).

Thought it was neat enough to share and make a map for.
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