No Enemies #2

Thumbnail of the map 'No Enemies #2'

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Author UkaBOB
Tags author:ukabob bobleader hard jumper noenemies unrated
Created 2018-10-16
Last Modified 2018-10-16
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The second in a series tagged: noenemies. This one is harder (in fact, I made this one first, but thought the other one was a better opener).


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'King of the Dance' Thumbnail of the map 'The Life and Times of Sir Barnaby Wallace IV' Thumbnail of the map 'Ambiguity' Thumbnail of the map 'DON'T LAND ON THE-' Thumbnail of the map 'Running in Circles' Thumbnail of the map 'No Enemies #1'
King of the Dance The Life and Times of Sir Barnaby Wallace IV Ambiguity DON'T LAND ON THE- Running in Circles No Enemies #1


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I think you are the first person to favorite one of our maps. My next no-enemies map will be a ded to you. Look out for "Politics and War"
Thanks for playing my map I made almost 10 years ago. I love getting random map comments. Beautiful AGD.
No Enemies #3!