
Thumbnail of the map 'datafied'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author blacklef
Tags author:blacklef unrated
Created 2017-08-11
Last Modified 2017-08-11
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description final catheter

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'radiant manifold' Thumbnail of the map 'sand boiling' Thumbnail of the map 'sure thing' Thumbnail of the map 'sure things' Thumbnail of the map 'abhorrent transparency' Thumbnail of the map 'bathroom breaking'
radiant manifold sand boiling sure thing sure things abhorrent transparency bathroom breaking


Pages: (0)


Demo Data

agd demo

for guidance
Demo Data

cool map

super quirky and fun map. it was almost sort of a puzzle map for me since I'm not super familiar with 1.4 mechanics, and this uses a lot of abstract and 1.4 exclusive mechanics in it. i must say, though, the part immediately after the 4 stacked floorguards was super frustrating with the mines and gauss turret there. other than that I'm enjoying this map a lot.
i don't have a demo yet because i suck but I'll keep trying.

3rd try

pissed off
Demo Data