Old-growth woodland

Thumbnail of the map 'Old-growth woodland'

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Author DaggaFork
Tags author:daggafork maybe-swerve mellow playable tilejumper unrated
Created 2015-05-26
Last Modified 2015-05-26
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description The map is beatable in 90s and I believe that no-gold adds to the mellowness of the gameplay and aesthetic.

Also, I looked it up, and I made my account 7 and a a half years ago.

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but, cat comes home/mice don't feel very free to walk around Air, the world circles me how long have you been like this Her words my Takes a long time, God dies too Dark, evening water


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What I was getting at in the description was that having no gold gives the map a cold grey atmosphere that I really like and aim for with mellow. That is also the reason for launch pads and not mines. I think the feel of these maps is something that takes a lot of getting used to since it's relatively unaccepted to map against convention. Even the abstract maps still follow the convention. Thanks for the feedback guys!

I don't think every map needs gold. This is a dope map. Mellow is awesome.
My demo is 62.5 seconds, and there's plenty of cleaning still left to be done.

However, I disagree that gold would not have worked here. I think a few splashes of gold and maybe mines instead of the launchpads (that's entirely personal preference though) would have made this a lot better than it is.

Demo Data