Lord Of The Gold

Thumbnail of the map 'Lord Of The Gold'

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Author travisrm
Tags action author:travisrm playable rated
Created 2005-12-31
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I am resubmitting this map. Please comment, because I want to make it better. Also, I have a question. In Ned, it is possible to put more than one ninja on the map. What can the extra ninjas do? What's the point in those ninjas?

Other maps by this author

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A Pirate's Life For Me Look Mom No Hands Ninja Jones! Busted Factory Your Worst Nightmare


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Too much cluster

You don't need all those gold and mines on the right. It makes it laggy. All you need is one row of mines. Take out the gold. It makes it impossible to all-gold this map


You should have put this to N-art-


ammusing idea, maybe try again, cuz this wasnt too good, it wasnt bad, but it could use some work...

when you put more ninjas, i think the computer picks either the first or last you put in, but im not sure about that, thats just what it seems to do when i put more in

It's all cool

This map is pretty fun but its kinda glitchy
but they just sit there and are very annoying. Whenever i tried putting extra ninjas, the computer chose the one to play with that I didnt want. It isnt very smart