06. and only

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Tags author:vehemence4 mahi-v4 unrated
Created 2014-12-26
Last Modified 2014-12-26
Map Data

Description by MAHI_MAHI

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '06. all in all' Thumbnail of the map '06. mariposa' Thumbnail of the map '06. Metamorphosis, Crown Of Stars' Thumbnail of the map '06. Palace' Thumbnail of the map '06. Quickly now I have a lot to do' Thumbnail of the map '06. The Cascades'
06. all in all 06. mariposa 06. Metamorphosis, Crown Of Stars 06. Palace 06. Quickly now I have a lot to do 06. The Cascades


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can't beat 190 right now, but I got this run.
Demo Data

pretty cool

Demo Data


Though that route is probably the fastest possible.
Demo Data


Not sure how it can be faster, to be honest, since you always have to wait for the laser drone to stop firing in any case.
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