
Thumbnail of the map 'Haphazardous'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lifdoff
Tags action author:lifdoff hard playable rated rockets
Created 2014-11-26
Last Modified 2014-11-26
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description I'm probably not the first, nor will I be the last to experiment with this particular tile look. Interestingly enough, it came into being when I accidentally copied something in NED that I didn't want to copy. I like the result. I hope you guys do to.

EDIT: After a comment, I have reviewed this and taken out the thwumps. Though apparently they still show up in the thumbnail.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Abyss' Thumbnail of the map 'Broken' Thumbnail of the map 'Asteroid Belt' Thumbnail of the map 'Dead Day' Thumbnail of the map 'Threads' Thumbnail of the map 'Hallowed Halls'
Abyss Broken Asteroid Belt Dead Day Threads Hallowed Halls


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Awesome tiles, I'm glad you removed the thwumps, they look like buggers.
Built for close rocket dodges and little corner jumps.
Great fun

Nice map, if a bit too repetitive for highscoring

death demo.

I got some amazing rocket dodges in this demo:
Great tiles, though a bit hard to move on
Demo Data


the rockets can you let. Only the thwumps can you remove.
This is only a suggestion, no command.

You're right.

I tried taking the thwumps out of the map after reading your comment and it does at fun to the gameplay and makes the map a lot easier, without it being too easy. Edited.

Nice tiles but,

the thwumps make the level very hard. And the damned rocket meet me every time!

Is that...

a positive or a negative OH MY GAWD?


Those tiles. :O