36-2 Implausible Land

Thumbnail of the map '36-2 Implausible Land'

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Author Vanquish
Tags 36-2 4 author:vanquish episodes freedom series unrated
Created 2014-07-08
Last Modified 2014-07-08
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
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Didn't really know if this was better with or without some other enemy. Enjoy!!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '35-1 Suspended Moments in Time' Thumbnail of the map '35-2 Beachhead' Thumbnail of the map '35-3 Keep Off the Darn Grass' Thumbnail of the map '35-4 Search and Destroy' Thumbnail of the map '36-0 Another World, A Hope for Solace' Thumbnail of the map '36-1 Improbable Land'
35-1 Suspended Moments in Time 35-2 Beachhead 35-3 Keep Off the Darn Grass 35-4 Search and Destroy 36-0 Another World, A Hope for Solace 36-1 Improbable Land


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sorry, I forgot
Was supposed to be an all-gold, but then there was an exit. Not a big fan of the top part, but I'm just not a thwump guy. Will report on the bottom shortly.
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sub-300 speedrun

Oh, so this is what happens to comments with swear words. Didn't know that.
Btw, Armaghan's accounts were disabled to continuous plagiarism.
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posts that contain swearing get auto flagged as abusive, i deleted your post because it seemed gratuitous. having said that, i've got nothing to do with disabling accounts (only admins can do that, not mods) but if people were getting disabled just for swearing there'd be no one left, there will have been other reasons.

: )

yes vanquish

i do have that account abut i dont use that anymore
and i mean hyperactive knucklehead ninja
its just because its very long and wierd lol :P


ur really curious why my accounts were disabled so listen then:
armaghan was disbaled for repeated abuse
zoltrix was disabled because i wrote holy F**K and it was also disabled for abusing
from then on i decided that i will never abuse and i never did again as u can see


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