Ocha kan Torai!

Thumbnail of the map 'Ocha kan Torai!'

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Author Fujita_Seiko
Tags author:fujita_seiko speedrun unrated
Created 2014-02-02
Last Modified 2014-02-02
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Mate and first published in Nv2.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Rasshu' Thumbnail of the map 'Janaru' Thumbnail of the map 'Guriddo Insatsu' Thumbnail of the map 'Memai suru' Thumbnail of the map 'Tengoku no   kumo' Thumbnail of the map 'Inochishirazu no monogatari'
Rasshu Janaru Guriddo Insatsu Memai suru Tengoku no kumo Inochishirazu no monogatari


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but hey, I was just about to message saying the gate switches should be swapped around But then I see Mohit do the jump all the way to the second switch :)



I think the locked doors were a bit of a distraction here, and maybe you should have made it a more straight-forward mine-jumper. If you open both locked doors, it's possible to clear both gaps in a single bound, which is pretty fun.
Demo Data

Re: Mohit_Ghune

Nice :), tnxs for your demo!


Demo Data