Thundershlong Snatchthruster

Thumbnail of the map 'Thundershlong Snatchthruster'

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Author Sunset
Tags action author:sunset unrated
Created 2014-01-07
Last Modified 2014-01-07
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description i feel ok

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'don't worry baby' Thumbnail of the map 'i love you' Thumbnail of the map 'kim gordon and the arthur doyle hand cream' Thumbnail of the map 'satellite of love' Thumbnail of the map 'oddly genuine' Thumbnail of the map 'bold as love'
don't worry baby i love you kim gordon and the arthur doyle hand cream satellite of love oddly genuine bold as love


Pages: (0)

oh hello there :3 <3
shitty demo below haha
Demo Data

"I Know Where Syd Barrett Lives" is just something.

OMG []

They are as quirky as The Feelies and I love it!

that is

really strange

hm []?


pretty good
Demo Data

Cool stuff

Took me a few minutes of playing around to get a good strategy for the rocket room.

Demo Data

nice map!!

Demo Data

Speed run

"not" fbf'd
Demo Data


This shit right here! I am very into it.