not doing drugs

Thumbnail of the map 'not doing drugs'

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Tags author:palemoon unrated
Created 2013-09-20
Last Modified 2013-09-22
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description hello! it's been a while. the good news is that i have more, interesting maps coming your way, dear players. the bad news is woutery is still alive

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Arm of the Desolator' Thumbnail of the map 'girl pants' Thumbnail of the map 'meet me in the lab~' Thumbnail of the map 'after-market deal' Thumbnail of the map 'YOU LIKE KRABBY PATTIES, DON'T YOU' Thumbnail of the map 'iamkillingtime'
Arm of the Desolator girl pants meet me in the lab~ after-market deal YOU LIKE KRABBY PATTIES, DON'T YOU iamkillingtime


Pages: (0)


i fixed it to include bad news

there is always bad news
Or do you just have a permanent "673 maps with unread comments" stuck on your upbar?


fun map!
Demo Data

*looks at map*

another random tileset, some random gold, and a chaingun

i don't think it's special ok
difficult to play, but seemed pretty good, trapdoor gave me smile haha

great tiles :)

You really have such a great style. Super well defined. Doesn't inspire my mapping heaps but I can see it in others maps, plus I'm pretty sure N as a solid influence in my studies (design stuff), and you're up there with the most influential, so I reckon you'd be influencing my stuff a bit too.

That was a mess of a comment. But yeah. Nice one dude, I'll have a play


doing em