T.E (I) - 05

Thumbnail of the map 'T.E (I) - 05'

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Author Drakostax
Tags author:drakostax highscore mines rated secrets t.e
Created 2013-06-05
Last Modified 2013-06-05
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description Goddamn, those mines!
One more after this, but heck, it's looking devastated, isn't it?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Bound By Blood' Thumbnail of the map 'Athana, Jymeis' Thumbnail of the map 'T.E (I) - 01' Thumbnail of the map 'T.E (I) - 02' Thumbnail of the map 'T.E (I) - 03' Thumbnail of the map 'T.E (I) - 04'
Bound By Blood Athana, Jymeis T.E (I) - 01 T.E (I) - 02 T.E (I) - 03 T.E (I) - 04


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Just getting this demo made me become kinda ragey. Maybe it's cos I'm tired, or that I have my first exam tomorrow, but eh. I should probably get some sleep now.
Hope you guys enjoy nonetheless ;)
Demo Data