Iterati - M_M

Thumbnail of the map 'Iterati - M_M'

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Author Mirror_Man
Tags author:mirror_man iterati mirror mistaken72 unrated
Created 2013-04-27
Last Modified 2013-04-27
Map Data

Description I came across this map, a long time ago. Really innovative.
Link to original map : Iterati [] by mistaken72 []
All those who are astonished to see this map (*why is this old map seem to uploaded once again*), please visit my profile.


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Very well done mate, I'd never give enough of a fuck to flip a DDA, mainly because of the precision involved and the order in which elements need to be placed and stuff like that. Faved.


thanks to underclock mode
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Speed run, Beaten thatâ„¢
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Speed run, Beat thatâ„¢
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