
Thumbnail of the map 'Currents'

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Author Kaprekar
Tags author:kaprekar fragments unrated
Created 2013-03-30
Last Modified 2013-03-30
Rating 2 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Blue liked my last one and that was good enough for me! After this I have one more already made map saved to submit but I'll wait because I think there is a limit per day of some kind right?

Can someone verify that? How many am I allowed to put up here per day?


Pages: (0)

actully, they are not 5-tiles. they just look like 5-tile. they are glitched tiles. they are a pretty difficult to use for propulsion in DDAs etc. Creating them is easy. In the map data just replace a number/alphabet for a tile position with another alphabet which is not assigned to any other tile. you may use any character/alphabet (not a number) other than: F,I,G,H,>,A,?,@,Q,N,O,P,J,M,K,L,;,<,:,=

nice map!

5 from me!
Demo Data

Why you better not ask to me?

herp derp

too many comments, lsudny
my recent output has been ultra crappy. ;_; but what can I do. it'll come some day, right? :D

huh, I dunno.

his comments are often like that :D he's not a native english speaker so maybe that's the reason.

also I didn't hide the ninja what the poop
two maps at one time, five a day (of this I'm not completely sure)

welcome to numa!

have fun here! :D

if you want, here are some mapmaking tips... but I'm pretty sure you don't really need them. clicky []


cool, that makes sense.

AGD stands for All Gold Demo. This is the most popular type of demo people submit and it is just a completion of the level with every gold piece collected.

SR stands for Speed Run.


Thanks Blue!


Thanks Travel! I don't want to get banned on my first day! rofl.

What's an agd? Is that a demo of when you win?

Your maps are fun, Kapre! This one is just pleasing to the eyes and fun to jump around in. The two you've posted have a unique style to them, I like it!

oh i forgot...

here is an agd
Demo Data

Nice map

And welcome to NUMA! This was really good for a newbie. You are allowed two maps on the hot page at a time. The hot page is the page you get too when you first click on maps [].

Keep it up, these maps are great.