
Thumbnail of the map 'Monument'

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Author Nest
Tags author:nest nest rated
Created 2013-03-03
Last Modified 2013-03-03
by 13 people.
Map Data

Description ..........


Pages: (0)

Thank you all

for the warm welcome! :)

yeah so having the player start on the ground and directly below a mine is vindictive. if i cared about ratings i'd give this a 0 in a heartbeat just for that tbh.
I already have 6
oh! ...and welcome. It'll be great to have some fresh taleent around here. :)

you'll have to deal

with mad kids


is right
just dont secretly make someone mad
enjoy your stay here. drinks are free


5/5 - this map is great fun and Welcome to NUMA. I presume you're an alt but if you're new you have talent!
Demo Data


I dont care who you are, this map is just great :)
Demo Data

o and

welcome to numa!!!!!!!!! You will recieve some welcomes from others soon, also.

if you need anything check out my profile :D

have fun here!

simple and fun

I like this one, good execution.