00-1: Three

Thumbnail of the map '00-1: Three'

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Author Traveleravi
Tags author:traveleravi easy etothetaui funzy primes unrated
Created 2013-02-15
Last Modified 2013-02-15
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3. This is 3.


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Tail Flame Snake Pencil Check Deconstructed Rage Indiana Jones Devilish


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You should include these on the pack, they are nifty little challenges that are fun to play.
Demo Data


that was the problem. It was getting sloppy thats why I decided not to finish this pack.

I like the idea

of doing objects/tiles based on the number, although i think limiting yourself too much will make it sloppy. This one was cool though.

ps. Two consecutive prime numbers? What kind of witchcraft is THIS?!?!?!?


3 pieces of gold, 3 mines, 3-tile shapes, 3 enemies. You tell me if it's 3

Is this 3?