
Thumbnail of the map 'Nooning'

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Author mrgy05
Tags author:mrgy05 ded nooning playable race unrated
Created 2013-02-03
Last Modified 2013-02-03
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description A race DED to lori_csabi []. Its been sitting forever here on my laptop (probably around week).

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Ex' Thumbnail of the map 'Long Day' Thumbnail of the map 'Pixie Dust' Thumbnail of the map 'Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis' Thumbnail of the map 'Calamity' Thumbnail of the map 'Patch Work'
Ex Long Day Pixie Dust Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis Calamity Patch Work


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just a little rough to do sometimes. I could not get past the doors on the bottom right, that close the first trap doors at the same time, because the doors would not open before I reached them, slowing me down to get nailed by the rocket.

The aesthetics could brush up a little too, some of the door and one-way placements are awkward, between not connecting properly (doors) and the 1 pixel off bug on certain one way orientations.

Poor flow

I found multiple ways I could go at the start and couldn't find any way to keep flow later on. :/


I'm not in denial, my race maps are not my strong point :)

Thanks for the comments
I think you should stick to your amazing concept maps ;)

Or, I could teach you a few race tricks if you really want. But you are the more experienced one lol

thank you sir

I do appreciate it.

And yeah

Sorry it's so long. (AGD attached)
Demo Data