Comments on "61-4: Flayed and Consumed"

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i only just saw your comment. if you want when you come online, come on IRC, ill most likely be there

Thanks :D

I was hoping people would like the review
i was telling leo that you said elhombre was your french cousin.
I mean, I know everyone was told there but you or elhombre or both always commented with 1 comment that says its yet again somebody else or not them, but you said its me on nearly every map of elhombre, you even said it on irc and others profils , you said I am even some profile which has nothing to do with elhombre.
Also, Elhombre himself only said once who he "really is", and that was me here . []
and you were always saying something about me in spanish, so you and elhombro made much more pressure on me than on anyone else.
You know its a pretty shitty feeling to know that you would contact a admin and ban me for that.
In the end, nobody not even you laughed.
That was no joke that was just bad
but instead you are screaming out that Im elhombre and many other unknown profils aswell. Thats not how you solve a problem. You should think about that aswell
what's the channel you're on?


I actually think it's not you, but I still have some doubts, so I say that.

hey relax manzana!!

I see a lot of jokes that you make to other members of the community, but, what happens when someone make a joke to you? You get angry, you are very intolerant and very immature. Relax dude.

why the fuck do you keep on saying Im elhombredelsombrero

new minimaps



Una puerta normal para impedir el acceso del rocket en el corredor del imterruptor, un bounce para ayudar a subir, y unas cuantas minas estilisticas


Añadí los cambios


muy rapido zoas. :) Muchas gracias. []

Otra vez, lo siento por el photo grande.

Conectado asi:

ahhhh perdon

es muy grande :(
pongo el enlace malo


Quieres hacer una mapa juntos? Tengo esto si queres:

Si cambias los bloques, cuidado. Todo esta conectado.


I'm glad you figured out my numbering system. I should have clarified but I didn't see your first comment.

Could you play this/rate/comment:

tell me what you think. :)

legit question:

was that sarcasm? and plz dont respond with more sarcasm XD
(about it not being redninja)
I am just challenging myself to find out who he is. Im not reporting him or anything, relax ;) Idk, honestly. I just think it would be fun to figure out who he is.

Hmmm interesting

yeah it cant be r053 since he has no style

O yeah it could be

rose... but i dont think so.
Technically u could ping his ip or something and compare it to other users

People it cant be:

(those people are active authors right now)
-maybe its eddy!!!!!! He is spanish! although no offense but i don't think he is great at making maps, he is a highscorer and he only made simple challenges.
-can't be R3d or ors or other people that commented on his map
-cant be suds, he wouldnt
-possibly trance? maybe sunset?
-time to decode his style... or quiz him.
I bet you its meanapple XD jk he wouldn't be able to speak spanish lol
how come he wont enable ratings?

of course!

I'll play later, I'm on phone now.
yeah I will be on today but I don't know when will I get on.

like right now



You should come on IRC to #insatiable so I can talk to you in spanish

hey, wow.

looks like we made accounts on pastebin the same day. weird shit.

btw you have a cool wiki page ;_;

7/10 so far []

tomorrow's my birthday :3
The original map occured later in the pack, and was meant to be harder than others. The trapdoors and such were meant to block off certain points without corner jumping(parkour). Like the gold clump had a lot of gold, so it was meant to only be accesible by doing a corner jump/kick, which was doable but sort of puzzlish. The two doors that would open up were dif. paths, depending on your style of how to do corner jumps. The top lock, trapdoor thing was meant to be the easy path, but open a gauss. Also, you could parcour the top harder path, but no gauss.

I will try to use your revised map, thank you, but i will probably put just a couple things back, like a few of the mines, which was the parkour part. Here is a decent demo for the original map, in case you want to see how I did it:
Demo Data

I am so sorry!

I could have sworn I said thanks with a bunch of "!!!"s I think I navigated away from the page before posting it. You are a great help, and I'm sorry for not thanking you! I honestly was sure that I thanked you, you know me, I wouldn't be rude enough not to :D Thanks anyway for the feature thing ;)
get on IRC, we'll discuss the thing over! I got three pieces left if I remember correctly, and I have to add some twists here and there and voila :D again, I'm really sorry for my lack of accountability.

Another preview

Thought you might want to see ;)
but you'll see what I mean when you look at the maps, since they have an obvious (I hope) theme of parcour. And plus, that is why I added another element to the mappack, puzzle. Some maps are parcour only, some puzzle only, and some combined. The combined ones have a special unique flavor.

Thanks man!

I'll send you the mappack for playtesting once I'm done!(If you don't mind :P)


I really like the second column of moss. There were a lot of fun levels of different levels of difficulty and I enjoyed playing many of them. I also really like the way that you twisted and used my very symmetrical tile sets. Very fun and I am looking forward to the next column.