70,000 Veils

Thumbnail of the map '70,000 Veils'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author Yahoozy
Tags action author:yahoozy playable puzzle rated
Created 2012-12-18
Last Modified 2012-12-18
by 10 people.
Map Data

Description Happy birthday! Here's a slowsand map.

Other maps by this author

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Stomach IIIIIII Bolted Iron Fences 竹スライス! Black Henges


Pages: (0)


I don't see the puzzle, the objectives are pretty clear..

Cool concept.

That glitch

on the second pillar pretty much ruins the entire experience. Moving 2 or 3 tiles around fixes the problem entirely.

That rocket

would be my nomination for worst enemy placement ever. Absolutely killed the map stone dead for me.



Demo Data

good concept

getting back up from the bottom area is very annoying due to that rocket.

Press H

after loading.