The Gold Collector

Thumbnail of the map 'The Gold Collector'

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Author Traveleravi
Tags agd author:traveleravi hard unrated
Created 2012-11-22
Last Modified 2012-11-22
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Collect gold, watch out for mines and don't get killed. Good Luck!

Other maps by this author

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Knobs Shaft of Shafty Balls Dronelover's Pizza Mutated Puzzle Piece Four Cross Cookies Holey Spiky Balls


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...Hey, thanks for those two badass yin yang tilesets you have made for me! i really like them a lot-and they have this like nintendo style 12 bit feel to them and thats groovy. i will be using them soon and will inform/credit you :D... is the speed run sir...
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