0141. Stable

Thumbnail of the map '0141. Stable'

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Tags 3x3 author:vodkalover unrated
Created 2012-11-15
Last Modified 2012-11-15
Map Data

Description This map is dedicated to all those who think that my creative effort decayed or that this series just is not interesting anymore.
(Also play it in Ned and see what happens when you complete and hit the mine at same point.)

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '0135. Negative Polarity' Thumbnail of the map '0136. Luggage Checked To Nowhere' Thumbnail of the map '0137. Transvestite' Thumbnail of the map '0138. Heroin Whore' Thumbnail of the map '0139. Style' Thumbnail of the map '0140. Dilated'
0135. Negative Polarity 0136. Luggage Checked To Nowhere 0137. Transvestite 0138. Heroin Whore 0139. Style 0140. Dilated


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I don't think your series is boring, I have just being too busy to play them as of recent.

An idea for your 3x3's: How about including NReality objects
eg: moving mines, moving gold etc...
Demo Data
Hell, you spawned a short surge of maps like this from a bunch of people a while back. The concept is fine. The problem is the frequency. This type of thing is very cool on an occasional basis to mix things up, but you're churning out like 2-3 a day. The problem isn't the concept or even the maps themselves, but en mi opiniĆ³n humilde the fact that you're overusing it.

Of course, they're your maps and you should absolutely do whatever you enjoy. But if you're looking for an explanation as to why people are getting a bit tired of these, that's probably it.


FUn mpa :D
Demo Data

Ok, cool

Just wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally insult you...
Yes, Traveleravi, d_b is right, this map it is not dedicated to you. I mean other people. And concerning doing some 5x5, I've to say that I'm actually planning that, I've enjoyed a lot doing the minimap for you and I can see that in a 5x5 area can be doing great things.. But not yet, not until the current 3x3 session two will be finished.. Maybe for another figure session. ;)


I guess he refers to somebody other than you.


Btw, I didn't say thag the series wasn't interesting. I just said that maybe you could also do a 5x5 series. ALSO. Like, do both.