Olive Trees

Thumbnail of the map 'Olive Trees'

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Author Artemis_
Tags action agd author:artemis_ episodic highscore playable rated
Created 2012-10-29
Last Modified 2012-10-29
by 16 people.
Map Data

Description Hello! This is Ferox's younger sister and this is my first map. Advice on how to improve would be great!


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Artemis Fowl

is such a good book...

Nice first level

On a completely unrelated note... Are you Artemis as in the Greek goddess of the hunt, Artemis Fowl, or something else?

Well she wanted gold on the top left but wanted me to put it in.
The gold on the top left.

My rules for making this map:
No hollow tiles.
No objects embedded in tiles except for mines.
X-Snapping only.
No object spamming.
Must be able to beat it.
No enemies except for mines.


Good map! I'd say that you should remove some spikey tiles here and there to make it easier to get up. Also remove some of the mines. I'd also add a gauss turret/homing launcher near the top left where all that gold is. Currently the map is too easy for me. Maps should be a challenge :)
Definitely. My speedrun could be faster.
Also, on another note. OMG sayko since when is he still here!?
Haha 5/5
Demo Data

welcome to here

cool map, have an encouragement 5 :D


didnt hold the jump down long enough... but this was a pretty bad run anway...
Demo Data



now we can relate.

I have efaber, now you have Armemis!
reminds me of 80-0


...welcome! nice first map too... is a sluggish speed run...

...idk about you guys but OJ's demo looks a little FBF hahaha :P...
Demo Data
I'm also pretty new here, I've only had an account for about 2 months. This is great for a first map, and it's definitely better than my first map was. You have a lot of potential, and I think you'll do well here. :)
(use your emoticons)


Demo Data

Usually situations on here have to be pretty dire to instigate abuse or mindless swears so you needn't worry, especially if this standard of mapping is kept up - already it's looking very promising. ^^

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Welcome to NUMA. Rating ability disabled by request.
Welcome to NUMA!! Enjoy your stay!!

Very nice map.

Welcome to numa. :)

welcome to NUMA!

have fun here :) this is pretty cool for a first map, keep it up!
I'm going to assume you had help from your brother, though. Just seems like it. If not, it's really impressive.
Demo Data
and she will read this comments with me watching. Please refrain from offensive comments and swearing, etc. Thank you.