160-2: Diagonal Dodging

Thumbnail of the map '160-2: Diagonal Dodging'

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Author Chrdrenkmann
Tags 160-2 823 author:chrdrenkmann episode mines series unrated
Created 2012-10-17
Last Modified 2012-10-17
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Hey, guys. Check this out.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '159-1: Worthless' Thumbnail of the map '159-2: NUMA Isn't Dead!' Thumbnail of the map '159-3: The Red Bird' Thumbnail of the map '159-4: 5x5x9' Thumbnail of the map '160-0: Structure' Thumbnail of the map '160-1: Core II'
159-1: Worthless 159-2: NUMA Isn't Dead! 159-3: The Red Bird 159-4: 5x5x9 160-0: Structure 160-1: Core II


Pages: (0)

That one will probably be the last RCE, at least until you do the same. I thought about it at all, and I have realize that I have done to you over 450 RCE's, and you to me almost none. Sorry, but that's not fair. You always scold me for it, and that I definitely never finish my commitment. And you'r right.
But I'm also publishing maps, you know? And never get a review from you, a 5 or a comment that is related to the map/gameplay or the creative process itself.

I think your behavior is not just to me.


Wee bit faster
Demo Data


Demo Data

a little sterile

but it's very clean and neat, and I like the challenge.

oh cool,

now, I am a prick. I think I have never insulted you, kid.


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