The Disconnect

Thumbnail of the map 'The Disconnect'

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Author lsudny
Tags action author:lsudny rated
Created 2012-08-28
Last Modified 2012-09-01
by 6 people.
Map Data

Description let's try again, shall we?

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'nebular/retinal' Thumbnail of the map 'Loss' Thumbnail of the map 'Shattered.' Thumbnail of the map 'Fading Cityscapes' Thumbnail of the map 'Quicksilver' Thumbnail of the map 'junction'
nebular/retinal Loss Shattered. Fading Cityscapes Quicksilver junction


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ta mina pod floorguardem.. xD

ominaƂem, ale zaskoczenie jest. xD
Demo Data


...also ive got your back lsundy!...i saw how rude mericet was to you when you commented about her i treated him a bit...


...Speed run...

...YIN-i like how the gold was placed in hard to get areas,and i also like how fucking annoying the rocket was!...

...YANG-Hmmm i dunno i guess all i can say negative about this is that the gauss turret wasnt placed anywhere deadly... glad that you like my new rating style!...i decided to do it this way because people were asking me to give them feed back and its important to have both + & - in that aspect...
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You're going to present something to MOSS?

Why was this delisted?


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