
Thumbnail of the map 'Sunbeam'

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Author R3D_N1NJ4
Tags author:r3d_n1nj4 circle gold mines redninja sunbeam unrated
Created 2012-08-22
Last Modified 2012-08-22
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description just a short level. i wouldn't suggest doing an AGD though.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '01-0 Laser Rink' Thumbnail of the map '01-2 Paint ball Arena' Thumbnail of the map '01-1 Fusion Coil' Thumbnail of the map '01-3 At Least This One Has Some Damn Barriers In It' Thumbnail of the map '01-4 Centre Of Attention' Thumbnail of the map '02-0 Leaf Me Alone'
01-0 Laser Rink 01-2 Paint ball Arena 01-1 Fusion Coil 01-3 At Least This One Has Some Damn Barriers In It 01-4 Centre Of Attention 02-0 Leaf Me Alone


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(my demo, of course)
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