30-3 Conflicted

Thumbnail of the map '30-3 Conflicted'

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Author BluePretzel
Tags 30-3 author:bluepretzel jumper medium rated series
Created 2012-08-14
Last Modified 2012-08-14
by 9 people.
Map Data

Description Fairly challenging to get and All Gold. Much easier to simply finish.

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '29-2 Kiribati' Thumbnail of the map '29-3 Syrup of Ipecac' Thumbnail of the map '29-4 Remains of a Greater World' Thumbnail of the map '30-0 Those Responsible' Thumbnail of the map '30-1 Unknown Depths Below' Thumbnail of the map '30-2 Sacrificial'
29-2 Kiribati 29-3 Syrup of Ipecac 29-4 Remains of a Greater World 30-0 Those Responsible 30-1 Unknown Depths Below 30-2 Sacrificial


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Pretty slow AGD

sub-2000 may be possible
Fun map :D
Demo Data


although I didnt like to go back and forth again
Demo Data


still. i bet sub 2000 is possible.. 4aved
Demo Data

faster agd

still slow though..
Demo Data

Slow AGD

Have Fun! :3
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