
Thumbnail of the map 'Twister'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author TecknoPop
Tags author:tecknopop fun minejumper unrated
Created 2012-08-11
Last Modified 2012-08-11
Rating 3 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data

Description Like the minejumpers of old...

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Hummingbirds don't need no AutoTune' Thumbnail of the map 'Trans Europe Express' Thumbnail of the map 'I AM PUNCHING YOUR SALAD!!!' Thumbnail of the map 'This map isn't great or terrible' Thumbnail of the map 'A recognizer!' Thumbnail of the map 'I told you not to play with the DNA samples!'
Hummingbirds don't need no AutoTune Trans Europe Express I AM PUNCHING YOUR SALAD!!! This map isn't great or terrible A recognizer! I told you not to play with the DNA samples!


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Thanks! :D I wonder if I'll ever get a feature... *hint hint* ;)
oh well.
Demo Data


Actually this is quite good. Has a really odd and particular style, really nice. Also, loved the title! Seriously man, keep doing things like this..! 5

Wall sliding in the sky like macrohenry..
Demo Data


Watch it in userlevels, not NED.
Demo Data


nothing special happens after u win, cuz u die ; d

Do you mean the demo doesn't work?


there is nothing to watch? D:

Watch the ninja after reaching the exit in my demo. :D
Demo Data