
Thumbnail of the map 'brokensquare'

Hover over the thumbnail for a full-size version.

Author lsudny
Tags author:lsudny lsudnytileset tileart tileset unrated
Created 2012-07-25
Last Modified 2012-07-25
Rating 4 more votes required for a rating.
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Remember The Fields' Thumbnail of the map 'Horizons of the Yards.' Thumbnail of the map 'orchard west' Thumbnail of the map 'Supernova Exploding Over The Hill' Thumbnail of the map 'There is no such thing as a *former* KGB man.' Thumbnail of the map 'Moons Spinning Out'
Remember The Fields Horizons of the Yards. orchard west Supernova Exploding Over The Hill There is no such thing as a *former* KGB man. Moons Spinning Out


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This is a fabulous tileset. Every time I check out your maps they are better. Which is significant considering I've been digging your maps for ages.