0039. VodakaVodaka

Thumbnail of the map '0039. VodakaVodaka'

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Tags 3x3 author:vodkalover unrated
Created 2012-07-07
Last Modified 2012-07-07
Map Data


Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map '0033. Undecided and No Money' Thumbnail of the map '0034. My Drink Has 5 Ice' Thumbnail of the map '0035. Good Morning Princess!' Thumbnail of the map '0036. Macaroni' Thumbnail of the map '0037. Again?' Thumbnail of the map '0038. Only When They (Women) Want'
0033. Undecided and No Money 0034. My Drink Has 5 Ice 0035. Good Morning Princess! 0036. Macaroni 0037. Again? 0038. Only When They (Women) Want


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Tied Pony & Eddy
Demo Data


Pony really has innovation skill wow, he finds lots of cool new routes.
Demo Data

Simply you're not the fastest here.. ;)


Pony's demo works perfectly, and what you mean exactly with 'Fastest'? I think that I have one 75f demo faster than yours just before. Hahahaha, you're crazy man.. :P


my demo does work, both in Ned and in nreality userlevels. please check again.


A_P's demo doesn't work.
Demo Data


Tied Pony. This is with his awesome innov. Can't beat him, i've tried hard, but i get 75f dozens of times, never 74, i think 75 is maxed. Cool bro!
Demo Data

This was my first at the creation moment. AGD
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Demo Data

Hehe it seems I was wrong :P How about you beat me on 220629 now, you seemed to try but didnt make it.

Sure, eddy

Demo Data

Improved AGD

I'd say this route is maxed, based on the rockets.
Demo Data


Cool map :D
Demo Data


sub is definately possible
Demo Data