Crinkle-Cut Fortress

Thumbnail of the map 'Crinkle-Cut Fortress'

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Author TheAdster
Tags accepted adsmoamaps author:theadster memoirs moa moa-accepted rated
Created 2012-07-03
Last Modified 2012-07-03
by 5 people.
Map Data

Description - Accepted MOA Map
- Votes: 10 Yes / 0 No
- Original Submission Date: June 7th, 2009

Seven_two: "I swear, everything here is a death trap."
Damn right.

My MOA maps:

- Blastoff! Faraway Land [] Cannony!
- The Overshining [] PALEMOONy!
- Cubozoa: Box Jellyfish [] Autosurfery!
- The Disorientation Station [] Featured!
- kruschkruschkrusch [] Paramore!
- Alcatraz Especialé IV [] Sprinty!

Other maps by this author

Thumbnail of the map 'Alcatraz Especialé IV' Thumbnail of the map 'Slick' Thumbnail of the map 'Did MOA ever get done?' Thumbnail of the map 'Blastoff! Faraway Land' Thumbnail of the map 'The Overshining' Thumbnail of the map 'Cubozoa: Box Jellyfish'
Alcatraz Especialé IV Slick Did MOA ever get done? Blastoff! Faraway Land The Overshining Cubozoa: Box Jellyfish


Pages: (0)

You are really fucking cool I just voted for you to win a dronie for the year before last or some shit yeah

I didn't like the rockets. They annoyed me. But I did like pretty much everything else, particularly the overall design of the level and puzzling out that was required to pass it. 4

Demo Data
but everything else is pretty ugly. Why is this with MOA-maps? That's a reoccurring thing with those maps.


A little messy.... the map and my demo.
Demo Data
Coming back to it, I think this is one of the most enjoyable maps I've made.
I'm glad it wasn't just me who liked how "different" this was :D

Here's my old AGD:
Demo Data